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jump to repliesfuck i wish more software did sync by just having a git repo
i have a git server, my other software shouldn't need its own sync server daemon software unless it needs realtime or has a large repo size or something
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back to top@nyanotech I wonder how well databases fare in git
@nyanotech @randomgeek What do you favor about #git other than already having repo(s) on the network that would make it suitable for syncing data that isn’t a forever stream of snapshotted hierarchical source code?
Because I’m pretty sure that git is a mix of under- and overkill the more your data differs from that structure.
@mjgardner @randomgeek a bunch of these things already implement a commit log, either for doing merges, or for exposing history to the user
@nyanotech @randomgeek A bunch of what things? What has unsatisfactory syncing to you?
To me, “everything should use git to sync because it has a commit log” sounds like “every car should be a Subaru Ascent because it has 19 cup holders.”
It ignores what git is built for and how its model isn’t great for anything more structured than source code text.
There *are* systems like Apple Core Data or Microsoft Entity Framework that generalize data persistence and sync.
@mjgardner @nyanotech @randomgeek > It ignores what git is built for and how its model isn’t great for anything more structured than source code text.
I think this is a key reason why us #markdown / #PlainText notes wonks go so hard on it. We want our notes to be able to live in git.
@taylorhadden @mjgardner @nyanotech AS A dev-type person, I WANT plain text notes and git-like versioning SO THAT I can understand how they work using my existing mental models and process them with my existing tools.
I could absolutely not explain the technical merits, but #SiYuanNote uses dejavu to handle synchronization and history. Lists "Git-like version control" as a feature. It's neat. But it's way easier for me to understand #Tangent + a Git repo that I manage myself because I already know Markdown and version control.
@taylorhadden @mjgardner @nyanotech well actually Fossil not Git but that's because I'm always in pursuit of that endorphin rush of shiny new toy.
@taylorhadden @nyanotech But to @mjgardner 's point Git is not great with binary files like images, so Git specifically is not a 100% solution for synchronization and versioning. It perfectly covers my notes, where I dump and ignore an illustrative pic, but way too cumbersome for the needs of a design shop always editing and tweaking pics.
But as a mental model it's great.
@randomgeek @nyanotech @mjgardner It’s okay for images that never change!
@nyanotech likewise but IMAP