About catgirl.download
No description has yet been set for this instance.
Admin Contact
This instance has not yet set a contact account.
This instance has not yet set a contact email address.
Instance Features
- Statuses can contain up to 5000 characters, and 6 media attachments.
- Polls can have up to 6 options, with 50 characters per option.
- Custom CSS is disabled on account profiles.
No preferred languages have yet been set for this instance.
Register an Account on catgirl.download
New account registration is currently closed.
Instance Rules
No rules have yet been set for this instance.
Terms and Conditions
No terms and conditions have yet been set for this instance.
Moderated servers
ActivityPub instances federate with other instances by exchanging data with them over the network. Exchanged data includes things like accounts, statuses, likes, boosts, and media attachments. This exchange of data can be prevented for instances on specific domains via a domain block created by an instance admin. When an instance is domain blocked by another instance:
- Any existing data from the blocked instance is deleted from the storage of the instance doing the blocking.
- Interaction between the two instances is cut off in both directions; neither instance can interact with the other.
- No new data from the blocked instance will be created on the instance that blocks it.
This instance does not publically share their list of blocked domains.